New job. New life.
“Welcome Samantha! This is going to be your desk, close to the picture window”, explained her new boss.
“Oh! Thank you! I will try to do my best”, answered Sarah. New office. New life.
On the way back home. Full of bright light thanked to her new place, her new window. Suddenly, RED. The traffic lights showed she needed to stop again. “Why was me the only witness of that murder? Why do I have to change my life? Where is he?” she asked herself. Old thoughts. Old life.
A new chance: GREEN. “Come on, Sarah! You need to continue walking. You can do it”, she encouraged herself.
Home. Everything is different. Letters for Samantha read by Sarah.
His little son asked her if she could help him with his homework. New school. New life.
“I need to write about my family, mum”, asked little James.
YELLOW. Truth or lie? Sadness or happiness? Killer or dad? Old or new?
“Everything is new, little James. Let´s paint all of our walls green”, answered Samantha feeling more confident than ever. Convinced of being a new woman. “Bye bye, Sarah”.